Kali Bulan Waterfall is one of the beautiful tourism objects that is located in Bantul. Yes, Bantul is one regency in Yogyakarta. Many people know that it has many amazing tourism objects. The famous one is Parangtritis Beach.

To reach this place, the visitors can pass the Yogyakarta-Wonosari route. Then, you can go to the Kaligathuk Village, Piyungan. If you get lost, you can ask the information to the local people.
If you have the adventurous character, going to this waterfall is very suitable. This is because you will pass the difficult tracking to come to the waterfall.
But, don’t be worried about getting lost in the jungle; this is because the local people have been anticipated by installing the board of the directions.
Along the journey, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. The green leaves from the trees and the breezy wind make the nuance is so amazing.
After visiting the Kali Bulan Waterfall, you will be amazed at the beautiful waterfall that is so high. Well, this waterfall is claimed as the highest waterfall in Bantul.
But, you can’t swim here. This is because there is no the pound under the waterfall. But, you can still play water here and take the picture with the beautiful landscape of the waterfall.
Don’t be afraid when you are neat the waterfall because the flow of the water is small. You can hear the great sound of the water. You will be more comfortable because you are able to play water with the amazing scenery around the place.
After feeling satisfied enjoying the beautiful waterfall, you can go to the top of Kali Bulan. At the top, you will see that there is the beautiful and wonderful natural view.
Even, you can see the Kali Bulan Waterfall from here. Then, you can also enjoy the sunset if you come at the right time.
Contributor : Ika Pratiwi